Season 2024-2025

Around the World for the Holidays

"Around the World for the Holidays"


Sponsored by the Fred Beans Automotive Group

Saturday, December 3, 2022 at 8:00pm
South Hunterdon High School
Lambertville, NJ

Premium: $60
General: $35
Student (under 18): $10

Experience a festive celebration of the Holiday Season with classical and pop holiday music from Germany, Italy, Poland, France, Israel, Spain, and the USA! Audience members new and old will love the surprise selections for this year. The captivating soprano Ethel Trujillo will join the orchestra, and our special soloist, and 2022 Caprio Young Artist Competition winner, Yvonne Wang, will dazzle with her mesmerizing virtuosity on the clarinet to illustrate to the audience why she took the first prize.

Buy Tickets


Gift Certificates for family and friends may be purchased for any concert by calling the Riverside Symphonia at 609-397-7300

Telephone (609) 397-7300 - PO Box 650 Lambertville, NJ 08530

Serving Lambertville, New Jersey, New Hope, Pennsylvania and the surrounding areas in Hunterdon County, NJ and Bucks County, PA

MUTCD D9-6.svgThe Riverside Symphonia is pleased to offer its performances in a barrier-free venue. Audience members who need special assistance should contact the Symphonia office at 609-397-7300 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

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